

Sunday 5 May 2013

First Recruits

As from Monday MrsJ and I are off, with two other couples, in three caravans, on a short 10 day tour of Southern Normandy. I tried to hold out for the coastal areas but my subtle scheme was seen through for what it was - an extended tour of the D-Day landing zones. I have been offered a couple of days on the way back to the ferry. Outnumbered, I take what I can get.

I shall be taking some figures to paint, if I get the opportunity. I know the other couples tend to be late starters, so I'm hoping for an hour first thing in the morning. I'm taking a unit of Fife 'n Drum Americans in buckskins. This unit acts as the Grand Duke's light infantry, and is drawn from his forresters and gamekeepers. So the main colour scheme is green and brown.

I've spent the day basing them on individual copper discs (available from many outlets on most highstreets, costing £1 per 100 - cheaper than equivalent washers) and then filling in with hole filler.
I'll undercoat tomorrow and they'l be ready to go.
I've also based, but won't be taking, a group of Dragoons from Outpost Wargames Services. This lot are part of their 'Highwayman' range and don't fit my OOB, though I shall have a unit of sword waving figures, so they will be Revenue men and locally based border patrols.

Their basing is cut from Ikea blind strips, one blind provides enough bases for umpteen horsemen. For these 30mm figures I use the full width of the strip, while for my 25/28mm figures I trim off about 3mm and then round over the cut edge.

There are a couple of other small projects on the desk, but they must wait. More later. So until the 20th of May, au-revoir.


  1. Looking eagerly forward to see them painted!
    Your plans are... impressive to say the least, specially with Old School 'big battalions', but -having discovered the hobby with Charles Grant's 'The War Game' I can only applaud.

    Uniforms-wise for your 3 armies do you intend to remain ± strictly historical, or are you allowing yourself to unleash your creativity?

  2. I shall try to maintain historical accuracy, but may let things slip occasionaly if I feel like it. I think I've used up enough of going off the mark with my other projects. Having said that, keep an eye out for the odd strange event or figure cropping up now and then (much like the 19th century Jabberwock.

  3. Great figure choice and super ideas for units.I hope your holiday will give you time to plan and dream about hobby matters too...
