

Friday 3 May 2013

Plans for the Past

Originally I had planned my 18th century escapade to be the War of Welsh Independence, similar to the AWI but closer to home. I can't seem to get my head around this and it seems to me that it would be more a matter of minor skirmishes, ambushes in the passes and British excesses, very similar to events in the Highlands at the time, so I dropped the scheme. Instead I am taking a look back at the history of the Grand Duchy of Humperstein*, back in the days of Grand Duke Hudibras Alberich Theoderich von Amelung, who reigned from 1738 to 1778 and had considerable trouble from various relatives and nobles from the Dukedom. Troubles that would be compounded later by the Emperor Napoleon and cause further trouble in the 19th century.

Also, by building up a selection of forces I will be able to take advantage of all the wonderful figures available from the armies of Britain, France, Prussia et al that can be obtained from Minden, Fife 'n Drum, Jackdaw, Willie, Tradition and so on. Accordingly I drew up an OOB for three equal forces, basing my plan on the original Sittingbad forces in 'Charge', with minor alterations.

Eventually I shall have Force A made up of British and Hanoverians, Force B of Prussians and Austrians, and Force C of French and Americans. There will also be a free ranging two units of Highlanders who will fight anybody, even each other if there's no one else. (If the French can have their 'Wild Geese' then I can have the 'Celtic Rangers'.

So, three armies, each containing :-
Command Unit
1 unit Light Cavalry
2 units Heavy Cavalry
1 unit Light Infantry
4 units Line Infantry
2 batteries of Artillery
1 unit of Engineers

I shall be using units of 48 infantry (24 Light) and 24 cavalry. This will let me split the units into two should I need to.

The current pile, each box representing one unit waiting to be painted, the packets at the front are either command packs or artillery packs.

To this end I have, over the last few months, started accumulating the various figures, and am about half-way** to my goal, without yet painting a single figure. Note to self - stop getting sidetracked by new releases or extra units - stick to plan. I hope (ha!) to paint these myself and expect it to take a couple of years to complete***, by which time I shall be fed up of the sight of a paintbrush and my eyesight will be gone.

That's the plan. Keep your fingers crossed.

* As seen in my other blog, Tales from the Grand Duchy of Humperstein
** Actually, a check against my list shows I'm only 25% of the way.
*** Realistically it will be longer, but one must have a goal.

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